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Member Bio

Ruth Ellen Luehr 

Minnesota  School Nurse Consultant [ret.]
Roseville , MN

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Roseville , MN
School Nurse Consultant [ret.]

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Dr. Luehr was an education specialist for 30+ years at the Minnesota Department of Education. As a ‘cross-walker’ between education and health, she is a facilitator, educator, and advocate. She led statewide programs in early childhood screening, HIV/STI and Unintended Pregnancy prevention, tobacco use, alcohol and other drug use prevention, children’s mental health, pandemic influenza planning, and special education. Her focus is the role of school nurses and their student services partners in supporting children to be ready to learn, willing and able, present and participating.


Dr. Luehr presented for more than 20 years at national school nursing conventions and authored chapters in five texts, several articles and numerous state program manuals. She is honored to be a Fellow of the National Association of School Nurses.

Dr. Luehr recently retired from state service. She taught Public Health Nursing part-time at the Metropolitan State University College of Nursing and Health Sciences, an urban commuter college with a diverse population of adult students often in their second careers. She contributed at least 160 hours to efforts to stem the pandemic as a volunteer screener and vaccinator through the Medical Reserve Corps. She continues her involvement in and commitment to the School Nurse Organization of Minnesota (SNOM) on the Special Education and Legislative committees. She was the National Association of State School Consultants (NASSNC) Co--chair of the Data and Research Committee and faculty of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) State TEAMS initiative. She is completing research - an After Action Review of the State School Nurse Consultant role in the pandemic.
