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Ad Hoc: Guidance on Data Collection


  • Quality data practices are the foundation of ongoing systematic data collection, analysis, and interpretation of student, school nurse, and school community data for the development, implementation, and evaluation of school health programs.

  • In June 2018, Dr. Cheryl DePinto shared six primary areas of quality data practices. 

  1.  Data Infrastructure 
    • Legal framework (data sharing agreements, confidentiality/deidentified/no personally identifiable information/anonymous, IRB, suppression of small samples [n=<10])
    • Partner engagement (indicator development, level of data required, detailed data definitions) and implemented with clear roles and responsibilities (Data Use Agreements)
    • Technology and other resources
    • Dissemination and visualization (meaningfully depict data)
    • Sustainability (IT, process/SOP, financial)/Interoperable/expandable/nimble) (Survey Monkey)
    • Interoperable and expandable
  2. Useful/relevant/sustainable– clear goal and purposed (designed to answer a question so able to draw valid conclusions) with partner/stakeholder buy-in satisfaction, pertains to legal obligations, target audience considerations (RN, parents, state agencies, legislators); need measurable outcomes

  3. Valid/accurate/reliable (subjective and qualitative, important to stakeholders/legislators, quantitative, consistent over time) – data cleaning, data review & analysis

  4. Complete and comprehensive (maximizes usefulness) – system designed to accomplish this, targeted and goal driven focus

  5. Granularity – correct level of granularity to draw correct conclusions determine what level of data is needed, translate to multiple languages when needed 

  6. Timely and accessible/available